Saturday, April 12, 2008

15 things I learnt

1/ nothing is what it seems
2/ less is more – and more is less
3/ we are all one – and that makes us unique
4/ true beauty is invisible to the eyes
5/ what is right is right and what is wrong is also right
6/ innocence is wisdom – and wisdom is to forget what we learnt and to remember who we are
7/ in relation to others, to never have expectations and to never give up hope
8/ self-respect is to have faith in my divinity despite all present evidence on the contrary
9/ to always have courage and patience simultaneously - courage moves me forward, patience keeps me on the right track
10/ to develop ‘staying power’ for when obstacles come
11/ to truly live means to die (ego death) – and to die is to embrace eternity
12/ to be still means to constantly be in flux. and to move on, I need to stay still
13/ to receive blessings means to shed the mirror of my past and accept the Divine’s vision of me
14/ to accumulate is to donate; to own is to bestow; to give is to receive
15/ to be grateful is not to say thanks, but to live one’s truth at every moment


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