Saturday, April 12, 2008

15 things I learnt

1/ nothing is what it seems
2/ less is more – and more is less
3/ we are all one – and that makes us unique
4/ true beauty is invisible to the eyes
5/ what is right is right and what is wrong is also right
6/ innocence is wisdom – and wisdom is to forget what we learnt and to remember who we are
7/ in relation to others, to never have expectations and to never give up hope
8/ self-respect is to have faith in my divinity despite all present evidence on the contrary
9/ to always have courage and patience simultaneously - courage moves me forward, patience keeps me on the right track
10/ to develop ‘staying power’ for when obstacles come
11/ to truly live means to die (ego death) – and to die is to embrace eternity
12/ to be still means to constantly be in flux. and to move on, I need to stay still
13/ to receive blessings means to shed the mirror of my past and accept the Divine’s vision of me
14/ to accumulate is to donate; to own is to bestow; to give is to receive
15/ to be grateful is not to say thanks, but to live one’s truth at every moment

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Procrastination vs "Just do it"

Why do we procrastinate? I ponder over this question as I write this blog... when in fact I should be doing a report for my Board meeting next week. Part of it is the complexity of the task: for example, I am wondering how to get across a very complex message, which is probably better expressed in a drawing rather than through words, so I can't even get it on paper at the moment. Part of it is fear: the situation or task may seem above our capacity or too much to handle, so there is fear of failure. Fear of failure can refer to how the task is done or how the situation is handled, but also to what others will think of me when they see how I have tackled it.

The problem with fear is that we can't trust ourselves any longer when we are dominated by fear. Fear blurs our ability to be creative, to be light, to handle a difficult situation with love -- even if one has to be firm. Fear also makes us physically agitated and less prone to deep thinking, which can result in wrong or rushed decision-making. So how to get out of it? Well, first of all befriend yourself. Even if you 'fail' in the eyes of the world or in any situation, there is no way to fail yourself. Learn to love yourself, to see your qualities in a non-egocentrical way, i.e. to see the values that are important to you. Then be grateful for them. Genuinely. Then, do the task with honesty, with a true heart, and whatever the outcome, acknowledge that "I have done it to the best of my ability" and "my ability has improved as a result of this experience". We are in this world to learn and to share. Fear comes when we forget this. So instead of procrastinating, just do it!